Portfolio - Professional Sample

In-Person Training:

Cambridge TSI Practice for ECHS

I designed and delivered in-person training to new proctors for a successful first-testing administration.

Tools: PowerPoint, OneDrive, Excel


  • Killeen Early College High School (ECHS) received funding to pilot a program for the district.

  • In 1 week, all freshman teachers needed to successfully proctor Cambridge’s TSI practice assessment for over 200 freshman.

  • The assessment data would inform ECHS’s remediation program for the TSI.

  • Most students had recently taken the TSI, decreasing motivation for another practice test.


Proctor Objectives

  • Have efficient, practical training with an in-person tutorial and handouts with step-by-step instructions for test day.

  • Successfully proctor all freshmen on test day.

Organization Objectives

  • Have all freshmen successfully test.

  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the program in supporting the goal of having all students pass the TSI.

Student Objectives

  • Have a compelling reason to take the practice assessment seriously.

  • Successfully test, resulting in usable data.


Performance Results:

  • 1st-time proctors successfully proctored the practice exam of over 200 freshmen, as demonstrated by real-time, remote observation of the testing dashboard.

  • Students took the exam seriously and produced usable data, as indicated by a high percentage of students demonstrating scores on the proctored practice exam comparable to or higher than how they performed prior on the real TSI test.

  • The organization was able to use the data on the proctored exam to determine whether or not the piloted program would support the remediation plan.

See my process below for accomplishing these performance results.

In-Person Proctor Training

  • Met the proctor objective with a practical, step-by-step tutorial on how to proctor, including differentiating between proctor tasks and student tasks.

Day-of Testing Procedures Script

  • Met the proctor objective of detailed, test-day instructions handout.

  • Met the student objective by including a motivation common to the freshmen at this collegiate high school.

Same-Day Training Feedback

  • 100% satisfaction of proctor trainee demonstrated that the proctor objective of efficient and effective training illustrated was met.

Proctor Feedback

“That was a great meeting!”

- Sarah S.

“Thank you! I’m not confused about test day!”

- Mari C.

Test-Day Results

  • Identifying a point of contact helped meet the organization’s objective of successful administration of all freshmen.

  • I collected, analyzed, evaluated, and presented test result data in relation to organization objectives.

  • Based on the data, the organization evaluated the viability of the program.


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